Friday, October 17, 2014

Week 7 | October 11-October 17, 2014


^^^Saturday night with my friends from high school at a friend's apartment. 


^at a club in Tel Aviv on Sunday night 


^^^At the beach in Tel Aviv on Monday with my friends 


^^^At the Kotel/Old City with my family on Tuesday night, right when they got in 

^^^family time in Jerusalem, including shopping in Mea Shearim (Hareidi neighborhood) for monogrammed Siddurs (prayer books) and the most beautiful bangles purchased for me from my parents. 

Hi! We've just had the most exhausting day so I'll be brief. After a lovely Saturday night spent in a friend's grandparent's apartment, I ventured to Tel Aviv for two days. Sunday night we spent clubbing (not my thing, but it seemed necessary to try it), and Monday was amazing. Me and my friends lounged around on the beach, eating chips and reading books for hours. Tuesday I spent preparing for my family, and Tuesday night they finally arrived! I am so happy to have them here now-we have already had so much fun shopping, eating, and just spending time together and experiencing Jerusalem. All together, I think we've been to the Kotel 4 times already. We had beautiful Sukkot davening at yeshiva on Wednesday night, and tonight are planning to go to the yeshiva Ari Zucker (cousin) went to (Netiv Aryeh) for davening. We have hosted a bunch of my friends for meals in our apartment and are planning to host many more. We're really just enjoying each other while we can. Miss you all, good shabbos from Jerusalem. XXOO

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